How to Drink Like A Man on Men's Day November 19 – Clink Barware

How to Drink Like A Man on Men's Day November 19

It’s International Men's Day. So we thought we’d give a few tips on how to drink like a real man. (Not that YOU are drinking like a non-man, but maybe you know a friend or two who just doesn’t quite have it down pat yet.) And we're talking a man with panache and style. Any macho man can  drink like a caveman, but that's too easy and dare we say, boring. 

Our 7 Tips on How To Drink Like A Man--in style:

  1. Drink like your granddad. (Not your grandmother) Granddad probably drank scotch. And straight up at that.
  2. Drink without sugary additions.
  3.  Drink without a little umbrella perched on top skewered through an orange slice.
  4. Drink using a glass that says you are serious--with your initials on it preferably. (See some great choices here.)
  5. Drink whiskey, scotch, rum (you get the drift) that you have stored lovingly in a decanter. It’s just so much manlier and looks amazing on the bar in your mancave. A decanter of whiskey says, (in a very Charleton-Heston-like voice) "I am  a man’s man, damn it all."
  6. Drink it with large round ice cubes. (We love this ice cube tray.)
  7. Drink beer as an alternative to the above. But get a good mug or glass that is suited for the beer you’re drinking. Beer gets better when you pour it--the color, taste and aroma all rise up to greatness. (Again, see here.)

Do you feel a bit better about how to approach Men’s Day? Lastly ALWAYS have this manly toast on hand:

Here's to men who drink good whiskey, 
love good women,
and never overmix the two.

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